The 15 minute Full Body Metabolic Blasting Workout You Can Do Anywhere!

Exercise Shadows

Do you want to get in a great workout but don’t have any equipment or any time?
I’m going to provide you with a simple and effective workout plan that will get your heart rate up, endorphins flowing and waistline slimming. This is a HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) method which is the best way to maintain and increase muscle mass. Due to the increased EPOC ( Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption) which are the extra calories burned after your workout because of the increased metabolic rate induced by the high intensity intervals, you will be burning calories far longer throughout your day than usual steady-state exercise methods.

Despite all the technology that helps us get the most out of our day, many of us find that we still don’t have much time for activities to add to our already busy lives. I have 2 jobs, so I know all about the time constraints that life brings, but I always have the ability to exercise even if my schedule might say otherwise.

You will be doing this circuit 5 times with no rest between each body part set, with only a 60-90 second rest period between sets. This plan should take no more than 20 minutes. As you progress, add sets and decreased rest periods to increase the difficulty.

Please see links beside each exercise that explain the corresponding movement.

  • 10 bodyweight squats-
    • Modifications:
      • Beginner: Holding onto a chair or doorknob.
      • Advanced: Jump squats. Single leg squats (pistol squats).
    • 10 push ups –
      • Modifications:
        • Beginner: Go on your knees. Place hands on an inclined surface.
        • Advanced: Plyometric push ups (explosive upwards motion, controlled downwards motion).Place feet on an incline (ex. Chair)
      • 10 Chin ups –
        • Modifications:
          • Beginner: Some weight being carried by a friend by holding your legs. Or, placing some of your weight on a chair under you.
          • Advanced: Single arm or plyometric pull ups (explosive upwards motion, controlled lowering motion).
        • 10 Mountain Climbers (each leg) –
          • Modifications:
            • Beginner: Place hands on an inclined surface such as a stable table or counter.
            • Advanced: Place feet further back. Or single arm.
          • 30 second abdominal Plank –
            • Modifications:
              • Beginner: Weight on knees instead of toes. Or lower set time.
              • Advanced: Single arm. Or placing hands further in front of body. Or longer set time.

There it is! Your new go to exercise routine to get you active, looking good and more importantly…..feeling good!

Summer is here, and soon, so too will your summer body.

Until next time; eat well, exercise often and reap the energy rewards!

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